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Muffin pan Irish potato pies

Muffin pan Irish potato pies

  • 30m prep
  • 40m cook
  • makes 6

  • These rustic, hearty little pies tick all the carb-loving, full-flavor boxes. Irish potato pie is normally made as one big tart, but we couldn’t help ourselves making them in a muffin pan (more crispy crust we say!). We made our own pastry but you could use store-bought pastry if you prefer - just choose a good-quality brand for the best flavor and to make it easy to work with. The pastry shells are filled with thin slices of potato, bacon, cheese, egg and cream (all our favorite things) and baked until crispy. What more could you ask for?

    10 Ingredients

    • 185g (1 1/4 cups) plain flour, plus extra to dust
    • 100g butter, chilled, chopped, plus 10g, extra
    • 2-3 tbsp iced water
    • 4 streaky bacon rashers, finely chopped
    • 1 small brown onion, finely chopped
    • 2 tsp fresh thyme leaves
    • 350g desiree potatoes
    • 70g (2/3 cup) grated cheddar cheese
    • 125ml (1/2 cup) thickened cream
    • 1 egg

    7 Method Steps

    • Preheat oven to 190C/170C fan forced. Lightly grease a 6-hole (150ml capacity) muffin pan.
    • Place the flour in a food processor and add the butter. Process in short bursts until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add 2 ½ tbsp iced water and process in short bursts until the mixture forms small clumps of dough, adding a little more water if necessary.
    • Turn out onto a clean work surface and gather the dough into a ball. Divide into 6 equal portions. Working one at a time, roll dough out on a lightly floured surface to form a 14cm round. Carefully line muffin hole with pastry, coming about 1cm above the rim.
    • Line pastry cases with baking paper. Fill with dried beans or rice. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove beans or rice and paper. Cool pastry cases.
    • Meanwhile, melt the extra 10g butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Cook the bacon, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes or until it is just starting to colour. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for a further 4 minutes or until soft and lightly golden. Stir in the thyme. Transfer to a plate to cool.
    • Cut the potatoes into 3mm slices. Lay a couple of slices in the pastry shells and top with a little of the bacon mixture. Sprinkle with a little cheese. Keep layering potato, bacon mixture and cheese into shells, reserving some cheese for the tops. Don’t worry about the layers being too neat or even.
    • Whisk the cream and egg together in a bowl. Slowly pour over filling, dividing evenly between the pies. Sprinkle reserved cheese on top. Bake for 30 minutes or until potato is tender and tops are golden. Serve warm.


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