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Bacon and sweet chilli pumpkin scrolls
مريم 21 September 2023
  Bacon and sweet chilli pumpkin scrolls 20m  prep   50m  cook   makes  6 We've pumped up the chilli bacon jam in these s...
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Easy pumpkin soup recipe
مريم 11 September 2023
  Easy pumpkin soup recipe 10m  prep   40m  cook   6  servings The beauty of pumpkin soup - and this classic pumpkin s...
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Cheat’s lamb roast
مريم 24 June 2023
  Cheat’s lamb roast 02m  prep   25m  cook   4  servings Follow the hacks in this recipe so you can be serving roast lamb an...
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5-ingredient carbonara ravioli with pumpkin and leek
مريم 24 June 2023
  5-ingredient carbonara ravioli with pumpkin and leek 10m  prep   25m  cook   4  servings Use ready-made ingredients to mak...
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Easy ravioli pizza
مريم 20 May 2023
  Easy ravioli pizza 15m  prep   30m  cook   4  servings Is it pizza? Is it pasta? It's both! The best of both worlds - ...
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